Are you an Executor?
A loved one has died and you have been appointed executor of their estate.
You are grieving and don’t know what the next steps are.
Here is a suggested list of who you may need to contact when it comes to administering a deceased person’s estate:

Ambulance Services
Australian Tax Office
Banks/Building or Friendly Societies/Credit Unions
Chamber of Commerce
Church or Religious Organisations
Clubs, Organisations and Associations, Libraries
Companies (eg. Directorships)
Department of Social Security/Centrelink
Department of Transport- Car Registration
Department of Veteran Affairs
Doctors, Specialists, Hospital, Dentist or Chemist
Electoral Office/ Local Government for Rates Etc.
Employer/Former Employer
Financial Institutions /Loan Companies/ Credit Card Providers
Home Appliance Rental
Home Delivery Service- Newspapers, Milk, etc
Home Nursing Services or Meals on Wheels
Household Help, Gardening Services
Insurance- Life, Accident, Home or Vehicle
Justice of the Peace
Medicare/ Health Benefits Fund
Phone, Mobile, Internet, Electric and Gas Companies
Post Office for Mail Delivery
Schools, Universities or Colleges
Service Organisations: RSL, Lion, Red Cross, Rotary, etc
Solicitor and/or Public Trustee
Superannuation Companies
Trade Unions or Professional Associations